We are told that the knowledge of the depravity of reason, was first communicated to mankind by the immediate inspiration of God. But inasmuch as reason is supposed to be depraved, what principle could there be in the human irrational soul, which could receive or understand the inspiration, or on which it could operate so as to represent to those whom it may be supposed were inspired, the knowledge of the depravity of (their own and mankind's) reason (in general:) for a rational inspiration must consist of rational ideas, which pre-supposes that the minds of those who were inspired, were rational previous to such inspiration, which would be a downright contradiction to the inspiration itself; the import of which was to teach the knowledge of the depravity of human reason, which without reason could not be understood, and with reason it would be understood, that the inspiration was false.
"General Ethan Allen of Vermont died and went to Hell this day." --Rev. Ezra Stiles in his diary on 13 February 1789 * *
"Arrived at Onion-river falls [Winooski] & passed by Ethan Allyn's grave. An awful Infidel, one of ye wickedest men yet ever walked this guilty globe. I stopped & looked at his grave with a pious horror." --Rev. Nathan Perkins in his Narrative Of A Tour Through The State Of Vermont * on 25 May 1789